Muscle exercises

Exercises For Strong Legs Without Equipment - Top Tips!

Ameera Mills
By Ameera Mills. Updated: May 16, 2019
Exercises For Strong Legs Without Equipment - Top Tips!

Are you looking for the best way to get muscular legs? Do you want stronger thigh muscles? it is generally believed that increasing muscle mass, even in the legs, is synonymous with weightlifting. Many women believe that by using weights they will get more ‘‘unattractive’’ legs, which is simply not the case. Attractiveness is subjective. In fact having thigh muscles and be that smaller or larger leg muscles doesn't make anyone less or more attractive.

Here at oneHOWTO we support all body shapes and sizes and emphasize the importance of eating healthy and practicing exercise. It must be kept in mind, however, that in the case of women, weight work can be more difficult than that of men who, genetically, have more facility for muscle building. Testosterone in men helps them gain muscle at a faster rate than women. However, paralleling a healthy diet and appropriate exercise regime, this oneHOWTO article, we will explain how to build leg muscle for women.

You may also be interested in: Best Squats for Glutes and Legs
  1. How to get strong legs fast
  2. How to make legs muscles stronger at home
  3. How to make your legs stronger
  4. Exercises for strong legs without equipment
  5. Leg exercises at home

How to get strong legs fast

Before explaining what are the best leg muscle workouts, it is important to take into account some additional factors that can help you build your thigh and calf muscles:

  • To start a muscle building routine it is necessary that you have a low percentage of body fat. The reason for this is that if there is a high percentage of fat on your body you will not see the results and definition of your muscles. The tone of the muscle will be hidden behind layers of fat lipids.
  • In order to lower your fat content you need to follow a healthy diet. We recommend following a hypercaloric diet, which is a diet carrying a large energy intake; giving the muscle the appropriate energy it needs to grow. In addition, do not forget to drink enough water to maintain adequate cellular hydration in your muscles.
  • Always remember, weight is more important than repetition. This means that, when at the gym, we recommend adding weight rather than using lighter weights with more repetition. At this point it is important to consult with a professional who knows how to choose the correct weight for your body, in order to suggest the best leg workouts for mass.
  • A very common mistake among those who want to gain muscle is to dedicate a lot of time to exercise and little time to rest. The reality is that getting enough sleep and rest is as important as exercising. In order for your muscles to grow adequately they need to first be healthy and therefore like us, they need rest.

For more on gym tips, you can take a look at our article on; How Often Should I Go To The Gym.

Exercises For Strong Legs Without Equipment - Top Tips! - How to get strong legs fast

How to make legs muscles stronger at home

If you want to gain muscle mass in your legs, the best way to do this is by squatting.

How To Squat

  1. Stand straight, distancing your legs just off perpendicular from your shoulders. Then, bend your legs as if sitting in an imaginary chair.
  2. Repeat. Squat repetition includes a sitting and standing motion, keeping your back straight and upright the entire time. Start slow, little by little, taking into account that good technique is the most important part. Once you have mastered good technique, we suggest increasing speed.
  3. Eventually, if you want to, when you feel that your squats are being done correctly, you can begin to add weights in the form of weight bars on dumbbells. This however, is not 100% necessary, as the squat itself will help you build muscle.

The best thing about squats is that you do not need any gym equipment to do them and can do them from the comfort of your own home. Even if you do not have any weights at home, you can easily replicate a weight with heavy bottles of water, books or carafes. For more ideas on home exercises, take a look at our article on The Best Leg Workouts You Can Do At Home.

Exercises For Strong Legs Without Equipment - Top Tips! - How to make legs muscles stronger at home

How to make your legs stronger

Do you go to the gym? If so, take a look at our leg muscle workouts which can be done with gym equipment;

Rowing Machine

The Rowing machine is a very good machine to include into your routine, specifically if you are doing leg workouts for mass. Not only does this machine allow you to work your leg muscles, but it also works the arms, stomach, back and it improves resistance.

Leg press

The leg press is an effective gym machine used to increase leg muscle. In addition, it is machine specially designed to target leg muscles. As with all other exercises, it is important to use this machine with the correct technique.

Using a medicine ball

We suggest using a medicine ball as weight while squatting. The way in which you do this is by squatting (always using the correct technique). While you squat, will hold the medicine ball with straight arms out in front of your body and make sure not to lock your elbows.

Exercises For Strong Legs Without Equipment - Top Tips! - How to make your legs stronger

Exercises for strong legs without equipment

In addition to the already mentioned leg routine exercises, there are other muscle building exercises you can do to increase leg muscles at home, without the need of extra material:

  • Lunges (strides) is an exercise that is very popular as it is a very complete and effective exercise to gain muscle mass in the legs. But how do you lunge? First, stand straight with your feet separated a little more than the width of the hips. In this position, step with one leg forward lowering your hips, keeping your back straight. Your legs will present somewhat of a ninety degree angle. Make sure your front knee is directly above the ankle making sure your knee doesn’t touch the floor. Come back to starting position and do the same with your other leg.
  • The mountain climber is a great exercise if you want muscular legs. Start in a plank position, your body perpendicular to the floor. Imagine the floor is a wall and you are ‘‘climbing’’ it. From this position, move one knee to the chest and return to the original position and copy the same movement with the other leg, repeating.
  • Climbing stairs in your house or apartment building is also one of the best methods to increase leg muscle with very good long-term results.

If you are looking to improve your legs, we suggest taking a look at our article on; Tips To Have Beautiful Legs.

Leg exercises at home

If you want some visual inspiration for toning your legs, take a look at our YouTube video on the best; exercise routine for toned legs.

If you want to read similar articles to Exercises For Strong Legs Without Equipment - Top Tips!, we recommend you visit our Fitness category.

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Exercises For Strong Legs Without Equipment - Top Tips!