Exercises for shoulders with weights

How To Stretch After Lifting Weights 

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How To Stretch After Lifting Weights 

It is always very important to stretch after exercising. But the issue is even more important when the sport we do, such as working with weights, involves subjecting muscles to intense effort with weight. To help you follow a routine, at OneHowTo.com we propose a series of exercises that clearly answer the question of how to stretch after lifting weights.

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Steps to follow:


There are 5 exercises that we recommend you include in your workout to stretch after lifting weights. Even if you end up very tired or you're in a hurry to go, do not skip them. In less than five minutes, you will prepare your muscles to recover after activity and be in top condition for the next work out.


With this first exercise to stretch after lifting weights you will work your chest. You must find a solid surface onto which you can grab, like part of a door or a narrow column.

Put yourself with your back against the door and raise your right arm until it is at shoulder height and, without turning, grab the side frame, moving your arm back. To stretch the right pectoral, then turn your torso to the left, keeping the position for about 5 seconds. Do 10 repetitions on each side.


The second stretch involves stretching out your right arm close to the body above your chest. To feel the stretch, you will have to use your left hand, holding the elbow of the opposite arm, and stretch as much as you can. You can also use the whole opposite arm, not only grabbing the elbow with your hand. Do 10 repetitions on each arm and watch as you gain elasticity in the muscles of your arms and upper back area.

How To Stretch After Lifting Weights  - Step 3

This other stretch to do after weight lifting has a similar mechanism. On this occasion the arm you stretch must be moved back and folded behind your head. Mainly, you will stretch the upper back. Also do 10 repetitions with each arm.

How To Stretch After Lifting Weights  - Step 4

To relax the neck after lifting weights, we recommend this simple exercise. Standing or sitting, but with a straight back, move your head forward as if you are trying to touch your chin to your chest and hold the position for about 5 seconds, doing 15 repetitions. Also do lateral movements of the head to stretch the neck, using the opposite hand to help you.

How To Stretch After Lifting Weights  - Step 5

Finally, for stretching after lifting weights it is highly recommended that you do this exercise to stretch the muscles in the arms. Raise the right arm, extended, until it is parallel to the ground. With the palm up, use your other hand to pull the hand down, but without the arm losing its position. Do 10 repetitions with each arm.

You can also do something similar with both arms at the same time, raised in the same way. Then clasp your hands, palms facing outward and pulling them all you can.

How To Stretch After Lifting Weights  - Step 6

After learning these exercises for stretching after lifting weights we recommend you look at our article on how often you should increase weight lifting so you learn to make the most of your weights.

If you want to read similar articles to How To Stretch After Lifting Weights , we recommend you visit our Fitness category.

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How To Stretch After Lifting Weights