Running for beginners

How To Breathe When Running 

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 25, 2017
How To Breathe When Running 

Mastering a good breathing technique for jogging will allow us to be more efficient and have more resistance, helping us extend our training. Breathing correctly is the key to run longer distances without feeling too tired. Training your leg muscles is important to extend your running endurance, but breathing correctly will distribute oxygen to your whole body. In we offer you some tips on how to breathe when running.

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Steps to follow:


When we run our respiratory system must adapt to our body's needs, which will require a greater volume of oxygen. Thus, the rate and rhythm of respiration will also be greater.


Ideally we should inhale oxygen through the nose and exhale carbon dioxide through the mouth. However, it is true that when we have reached a high intensity this is very difficult to maintain and the tendency is for both the inhaling and exhaling of air to be done through the mouth. This is no major problem but in winter, to avoid colds, we must try to inhale through the nose to heat the air inside and stop cold reaching the lungs.

How To Breathe When Running  - Step 2

The diaphragm, located below the lungs, is in charge of the respiratory system pumping. To work correctly and to the level required for running this should not be pressed down. Therefore we must run with our back straight, avoiding a stooped posture.


Even when we run fast we must try and maintain our abdominal breathing and avoid expanding the ribs. This means that breaths have to be as long and deep as possible. This will make more oxygen reach its destination easily and each breath will be maximised. The result will be that we will be less tired and we will become more resilient when running.


In order to breathe correctly, you should learn how to take deep breaths. Taking a deep breath implies expanding the lungs and pressing down the diaphragm. This causes the abdomen to expand and the lungs fill with air. If you take deep breaths while running you will prevent nausea, something common for running beginners that are not used to breathing correctly. This breathing technique requires training, and it is best mastered by practising other sports such as Yoga and Pilates.

How To Breathe When Running  - Step 5

It is important to keep a rhythm of breath. Matching your breathing to your steps will help you to keep that rhythm. Count the steps in your head while you run. Inhale for three or four steps and exhale for the same number of steps. If you're running faster or slower, adjust your pace to that rhythm. The essential is to inhale and exhale with the same number of breaths.


Side stitches are a nightmare for runners. If you follow a good breathing rhythm you shouldn't experience it. However, if you encounter a side stitch while running, slow your breathing rhythm and take deeper breaths.

How To Breathe When Running  - Step 7

You should be able to talk while you're running. If you find very difficult to mantain a conversation while running and you feel like you can't take enough air, it's because your breathing is not correct. Lower your pace or take deeper breaths until you can talk.

If you want to read similar articles to How To Breathe When Running , we recommend you visit our Fitness category.

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How To Breathe When Running