Playing Tennis

How Many Calories are Burned Playing Tennis

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How Many Calories are Burned Playing Tennis

To play sport it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle and it is also a great way to have fun or even to meet new people. It is therefore important to choose the sport that you like and that encourages you to practice, but it's also an extra encouragement to know the amount of energy you are burning whilst doing your chosen activity. And that is why at OneHowTo we want to explain in detail how many calories are burned playing tennis.

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  1. Factors involved
  2. Playing tennis as an amateur
  3. Playing tennis as an expert (singles)
  4. Playing tennis as an expert (doubles)

Factors involved

First, it is important to know what factors become important when you want to calculate how many calories are burned playing tennis. Thus, the number will vary depending on the following factors:

  • Match duration or time you play
  • Intensity
  • Whether it's a singles or doubles match
  • Sex and current weight

Playing tennis as an amateur

Obviously, it will not be the same to play tennis as a beginner than at an expert level, since the latter always exerts much more energy and thus heat loss will be greater. Thus, if you are starting in the world of tennis or just as a hobby you practice, you should apply the following formula to know the calories you burn:

  • Approx. calories burned. = 0.032 x ( your weight x 2.2) X total minutes of practice.


An 80 kilo person playing tennis for an hour should be calculated:

0.032 x (70 x 2.2) X 60 = 295.68 calories

Playing tennis as an expert (singles)

As we've said, it's not the same to play a singles game than a double, as the effort and thus amount of calories burned will be different.

In the case of those with a certain level in playing tennis, the formula will vary and when you play simple you must calculate based on:

  • Approx. calories burned = 0.071 x (weight x 2.2) X total minutes of practice

Playing tennis as an expert (doubles)

If you play one doubles competition, you must also change the way of calculating calories burned in tennis, as it is considered an aerobic exercise of moderate intensity. The result will be less to play as singles, since the physical effort is divided between both team members:

  • Approx. calories burned. = 0.049 x (weight x 2.2) X total minutes of practice

Now you can calculate the amount of calories burned playing tennis, you can also check how many calories other activities burn:

If you want to read similar articles to How Many Calories are Burned Playing Tennis, we recommend you visit our Sports category.

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How Many Calories are Burned Playing Tennis